My Indie List - Trespasser
Year: - Alternate titles: -
Action, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Comin..Characters: 2  Groups: 0  Topics: 0  Msg: 0  Reviews: 0
Living amongst the ruins of an ancient intergalactic war, the ever adventurous and impulsive Kyara w...more
Living amongst the ruins of an ancient intergalactic war, the ever adventurous and impulsive Kyara will leave no stone unturned in search gear and gadgets. With the help of her technically minded friend Zack, she'll face off against fearsome machines and deadly beasts. less
Title: Trespasser   Alt. Title: -  Year: -
Description: Living amongst the ruins of an ancient intergalactic war, the ever adventurous and impulsive Kyara will leave no stone unturned in search gear and gadgets. With the help of her technically minded friend Zack, she'll face off against fearsome machines and deadly beasts.
14:30 22 Jun #2
Title: Trespasser   Alt. Title: -  Year: -
Description: -
14:27 22 Jun #1
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